| celtic heritage in europe | Project ID: 101157828 | cerv - 2023 - citizens - town - tt

Library Centre

1. Teresa Júdice Gamito, The Celts in Portugal (PDF)

2. Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves, Santuário Rupestre da Rua Marechal Teixeira Rebelo (Vila Real): uma evidência da ocupação proto-histórica na malha urbana antiga da cidade (PDF)

3. Keisuke Tabata, The Celts and Their History (PDF)

4. Malcolm Chapman, The Celts The Construction of a Myth (PDF)

5. adaptation of [the first section] The Geography of Strabo, ed. and trans. H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. London: George Bell & Sons, 1903. [from 6.4.2 onwards] The Geography of Strabo, ed. H. L. Jones. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1924.(PDF)

6. H.C. Hamilton, W. Falconer, M.A., Ed., Strabo, BOOK VII (web section, PDF)

7. Philip M. Freeman, The earliest Greek sources on the Celts (PDF)

8. The Enigma of the Celtic Tumb, Documentary by Alexis de Favitski (video)

9. Patrick Sims-Williams, The location of the Celts according to Hecataeus, Herodotus, and other Greek writers (PDF)

10.Dirk Krausse at all, Evidence for dynastic succession among early Celtic elites in Central Europe (PDF)

11.Patrick Sims-Williams, An Alternative to ‘Celtic from the East’ and ‘Celtic from the West (PDF)

12.Gonçalves, Gerardo Vidal & Pereira, Dina Borges, The Mouruás Sword: Cultural Heritage, Digital Humanities, and Ancient Metalcraft between the Iberian Peninsula and the Legacies of the Rhine (Oral Presentation at International Conference in Cultural Heritage & Natural Heritage | LVIN#C Project | San Xoan de Rio & A Pobra de Trives | 10 e 11 de Novembro de 2023 (PDF)